Renowned Japanese creator Verdy, known for his influential role in design and street culture, is set to revive his collaboration with Nike, a brand that has previously captivated sneaker enthusiasts. Their previous collaboration in 2019 resulted in a highly sought-after Nike SB Dunk Low, featuring the iconic "Girls Don't Cry" emblem and bathed in a striking red hue. However, this release's exclusivity to Japan left international fans yearning for more.
Now, the sneaker community eagerly awaits a possible sequel to this collaboration, with rumors of not just one but two iterations on the horizon — one reserved for Friends & Family and another for a General Release, per @JFGrails.
The Girls Don't Cry x Nike SB Dunk Low collaboration has no confirmed details yet but be prepared for more concrete information to appear as we approach 2024. For the latest Nike SB updates and sneaker news, keep up with us on Instagram and Twitter.